
Kamis, April 22, 2010

di usia 4 tahun



At the age of four, children begin to test and feel their power. They need climbing apparatus, ladders, boards, and building blocks to release energy as well as learn. They enjoy dramatic play, excursions around the neighborhood, books and stories, and talking.

Four is not an easy age for children. They are considerably more powerful than at the age of three; language is developing very rapidly; time sense is increasing; and they can identify with a larger social group. They are self-sufficient in many of their personal needs. This leads many adults to think they can perform on a high level at all times. When they retreat temporarily to needing help, or when they are suddenly defiant, it may be that they are exhibiting a persistent need to experiment and test others. At four they have not learned all they need to know about the ways of their own world, or about other children or adults. Consequently, they still require acceptance of feelings and help with limits, just as they did at age three, but always with due recognition of their increased growth.

The four to five year old seeks to satisfy curiosity through a discovery process. A school learning environment arranged with centers allows the freedom and materials to provide for individual and group learning. Each child should be provided with opportunities to create, explore, discover, and experiment through their own experiences to enable them to find their own unique place in the world..

my first day

Hai... namaku Vivi... mamanya Sovi (4th), putri kecil ku.. Kami sekeluarga saat Ini tinggal di yogyakarta
Hari ini saya mulai membuat Blog buat mencatat aktivitas Sovi "my little angel" dan juga untuk mencatat keseharian yang terjadi pada saya dan keluarga kecilku...
Sebenarnya aku juga masih belajar mebuat blog... hehehe... memang terkesan gaptek banget... tapi gak apalah dari pada tidak mencobanya sama sekali...

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